For all extensive purposes this a a personal blog. I love to write; I do not really care about the topic. I just need a topic to think about and write. I write for my own personal satisfaction; my writing is a way for me to talk.
Just like talking sometimes people understand what I write, sometimes they do not. Sometimes they appreciate what I write some time they do not. Everything that I write is my personal view. You can say that it is subject, but I try to be as much objective as possible. It is really impossible to be objective, everything we do is tended with subjectiveness.
Just like talking sometimes people understand what I write, sometimes they do not. Sometimes they appreciate what I write some time they do not. Everything that I write is my personal view. You can say that it is subject, but I try to be as much objective as possible. It is really impossible to be objective, everything we do is tended with subjectiveness.
Now coming to product and reviews and analysis, well I review on the basis of my knowledge and experience, your experience can be different. Some analysis is assertion and theoretical and merely based on product specification and my personal experience and technical expertise related to that area. Everything on my blog is for educational purposes only. You will be liable for your losses.
As of today, no products have been sent to me for consideration. Either I have bought the product or close people have it. On that basis I am reviewing the products.
As far as picture is concerned, most pictures are mine, some of them are Creative Common.
I do not claim to be professional, it is merely a personal blog, as far as my expertise goes, it is enough for me and serves me well but it might not be adequate for you depending on your needs.
This blog intends to accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions and will also accept other forms of compensation.
Even if I will get some kind of compensation, I will not write something which is not true and is biased.
I try my level best to give my honest opinion, which is unbiased but then if you are fan of a brand or a product my opinions might not suit you.
I try my best to verify the information before publishing, but you should also try verify claims, findings and statics regarding a product or a topic. If needed you can verify the information with manufacture or the provider.
This blog or website also uses various cookies to provide services and user experience. Cookies are small temporary files what are stores in your computer.
I am not liable for any loss, nor I know how you are going to use the information provided in my blog, any loss incurred because of this information is your responsibility. In no way or form I will be held responsible for your losses.
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