Pregnancy and Insemination by a Spermatozoa Donor. Beware of NI sperm Donor. The reality and the Myths Sperm of Donation.

There are many people who are selflessly donating their semen consisting motile spermatozoa a male gamete, a haploid cell, more popularly know as sperms.
I do not have any problem with gamete donation, seriously none what so ever, but there are bad jacks and con men out there, who cheat women, in the name of sperm donation or natural insemination. They tout that NI is as natural, best way, god's way and he is ready for such NI.
Natural Insemination is nothing but having sex with a partner and medically it is not better than other method of artificial insemination, rather it is way inferior methods of insemination. If NI would be very efficient, there would not have been any reason to develop the methods of artificial insemination.
If a person is serious about donation, that person should not really care about means of insemination, be is artificial or be it natural. Why to cry and rant over Natural insemination?
Many will says it is natural way, yes it is but natural way involves many things not just sex. Sex is just a part of it.
Some will say it is god's way, well the moment you invoke god, having unsanctioned sex is sinful, irrespective of religion.
So these arguments are nothing but fallacious.
No matter how much a person boast Natural Insemination is better, it is not scientifically proven and it is nothing but Gimmick. If you have basic understanding of human reproductive system, you will understand why it is a Gimmick for sex.
Having sex with someone does not boost the chance of being pregnant and NI with stranger involves risk of STD and STI.
In no way I am saying one should not go for NI, if a person is genuine and both of you want it , sure by all means go for it, but it would be wise to get each other tested for health issues before one should go for such means.
Women should be beware of lusty men who are out there who are looking for nothing but sex and will make excuses and will not agree for Artificial Insemination.
Just search the web and you will find the bogus and unscientific claims. Such as “During your fertile period, it’s best if we do it a few times so your body gets used to my sperm.” Well I guess this man does not know how reproductive system works and how women pregnant all it takes is right condition and just one sperm and there is nothing called getting used to sperms, if that has been case many husband and wife will not have problem of not having a baby and many will not just get pregnant by pre ejaculatory fluid.
“Willing to help any lady in South West with NI. Would help if she had DD breasts.” This man is lusty and certainly only looking for sex in the pretext of sperm donation . This seems sinister and NI is just a pretext to get laid and women is just a commodity to be exploited in the name of donation.
NI seems like treacherous when a man takes it refuse to have sex with women , giving her hope that she can become pregnant. A real donor can object NI but will not mind AI and will learn thing about human reproductive system and will tell everything in black and white to the women regarding both AI and NI.
Now let's talk about some Artificial Insemination methods which are usually used.
Intracervical insemination, also called home insemination is the method which is very close to sex, in this semen is just deposited near the cervix. during the fertile period. Interestingly this method has more success rate that NI. This is the method used for self Insemination. Usually conception cap is placed in vagina which increases the chance as semen will remain in vagina for longer period of time there by increasing the chance. The cup is nothing a cup just like menstrual cup.
Another most common technique is Intrauterine insemination, it just like Intracervical insemination but instead of using raw semen , cleaned or washed sperms are used, and unlike Intracervical the sperm is directly placed in uterus, thus maximizing the chance. It can be done at home if person has right apparatus or access to right apparatus. This method also removes most STI and STD threats. Usually cervix is not clamped.
Intrauterine tuboperitoneal insemination, this method is just like Intrauterine but here cervix is clamped thus making is more efficient as it prevents leakage further more sperm vial volume is enough to fill whole uterine cavity in such a manner that liquid containing sperms reaches Fallopian tube.
It must be noted that age is one of the biggest factor in getting pregnant, with age in females reproductive capabilities decline.
In free sperm donor community following terms are used, and one must know about the terms and their meaning.
Co parenting, raising a child together, child can be conceived either by Artificial Insemination or Natural Insemination.
AI, is Artificial Insemination, man ejaculates the semen in the petridish or a test tube or a pot and using the syringe the semen is deposited in the woman's body.
AI+, is AI with recipient help, it involves assistance to Donor which can include stimulation by various means other than intercourse.
AI PI, is Partial Insemination or Partial Intercourse in which Donor stimulates himself by various means and masturbate and ejaculate inside the woman's vagina, it is copulation i.e. intercourse which is done just for conceiving, it involves nothing except depositing sperms in the vagina. The Aim is doing things naturally with least amount of mutual pleasure and contact.
NI, Natural Insemination is having unprotected sex.
NI+, Oral sex followed by unprotected sex.
XI, Exotic Insemination, It is nothing but Natural Insemination, in which there will be multiple round of sex, in involves all kind of mutual pleasure, and it can last for days. You can say it hooking for a a few days. In short a guy will spend time with you and will have sex while you are fertile, during your fertile window.
All I can say is that, Artificial Insemination is really more effective than Natural Insemination. Those people are just deceiving who says that Natural Insemination is more effective. I also do not resent natural insemination, if both parties are informed and they willfully consent to it out of their own accord. I urge all women who are looking to get pregnant, they should look at all the legal and biological aspect of getting pregnant .
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