Audio Amplifier Bridging Adapter. Bridge your chip amps and discrete component amps.
Two Amplifiers are bridged together to get More Power.
This circuit could be used with just about any audio amplifier. It does not matter if that amplifier is bridged or discrete one.
There are many ways to bridge amplifiers. One can directly bridge amplifiers without using any additional circuit, but it is not really recommended.
Bridge Configuration offers 4x more power than Single Ended Application. Power output of an amplifier is determined by Ohms law. So if applied voltage or resistance will change so will out power. Theoretical maximum power can be obtained from Formula P = V*V/R.
While bridging amplifier one must remember that bridged Amplifier is able to drive Load/2 in single ended condition. So essentially if one wants to use two single ended amplifier in bridge tied load configuration, one has to make sure Amplifier used is capable and rate for that load. For instance if one wants to Drive 8 ohm load. The amplifier used must be able and rated for 4 ohm load. For 4 ohm it will be 2 and for two it will be 1.
Following Circuit Provides high Input Impedance and low out impedance. High input impedance is essential for good audio performance. If input impedance will be low, amplifier will load the source. So an amplifier should have low input impedance.

The presented circuit is nothing but two Two operation amplifier in inverting and non inverting configuration with gain of 1 and -1.
One can use any opamp of their choice. I have chosen ne5532, it is a classic audio opamp. One can even use age old 741. Ne5532 is cheap enough, considering other opamp does not make sense unless one intends to go for lower or higher voltage.
How to use this circuit.
Simply connect the out of this circuit to input of amplifiers. R5 and R6 are output.
Connect output of amplifier would be connected to out put speakers.
+ve of speaker would go to amplifier that is driven by R5.
-ve of speaker would go to amplifier that is driven by R6.
R4 will interface with audio out of of the source.
You can bridge TDA2050,Lm1875,Lm3886,Lm3886 and other chip amps with circuit represented here.
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