My Interpals Profile.
So here is my Latest Interpals Profile.
If liberation were to be ensured by mere cohabitation with partners, all creatures would become liberated by companionship.

Stalkers, fake people and imposrter will be blocked. Rant what you want say what you want. I do not care.
I do not mind bitter truth but I do mind sweet lies.
As far as I am concerned; only philosophy I adhere to is "respect all life form, respect nature and be a human". Humanity comes first, first we are human then anything else. Humans are born with logic and reasoning if humans cannot be humane then they are worse than animals.
Usually I am Introverted, hesitant, reluctant and shy Unless I trust, sync and open up to someone. If I open up I can be extrovert who is very chatty.
Though I think I am a realist, some people find me boring, grumpy, melancholic, negative and pessimist. So decide by yourself what kind of person I am.
I do what I vouch for and I deliver my promises, I humbly think people should not promise if they cannot deliver, one should not make promise for sake of making it.
I am not on this site to manipulate someone for VISA, MONEY or SEX. I am very much content with place of my living and how I live.
If I will need them, I will source them by myself.
About me section starts here.
Well I can start by saying I am a Human or may be an alien or a hybrid, I am not quite sure about my genetic makeup, may be you can help me with this?
Nonetheless my Name is VIJAYENDRA. Blood Group is B+.
My Body is very lean and thin and I have been vegan/vegetarian since my birth.
I do not bite; I cannot be provoked easily but I might decide to bite if provoked :p.
That being said; I would like to add these facts :-
0. I have been using Interpals Since 2008 and I was lucky enough to meet with my Interpal buddy in real life. In June 2015, I meet with my American buddy, whom I met on this site in year 2009.
1. I am into penpaling and language exchange since 2001. My first buddies were from Russia, Vietnam. Since my first letter I have exchanged a lot of letters and small gifts
2. If I invest time with someone, it is highly unlikely that I will forget that person. I still remember my buddies with whom I used to talk;who suddenly stopped talking.
3. I do not care about your age, sex , location. I encourage everyone to message me, I do not have any kind of bias.
4. I am not an ageist. To me Age is just an arbitrary number.
Furthermore, age does not tell anything about a person.
Moreover, you just cannot tell someone's age just by looking at that person. Age does not mean experience and maturity.
Maturity and ability to take critical decision is about brain development which is not depended on age but on genetics and experiences.
If You really curious and want to know my precise age, go ahead and message me and I shall tell you.
I humbly think If you will talk to me my real age will become redundant for you.
5. I am a blunt speaker; so if you get offended easily, I am sorry, my intention is not to offend or to insult anyone.
6. Because of my bluntness and how I present facts; you might be tempted to call me rude but I am not rude.
7. I try not to trouble to others, because I know how pain feels like. I have extensive experience of various kind of pain. Some of them include pain of defeat, pain of failure, fain of betrayal, pain of leaving, pain of accident, pain of illness and so on and so forth.
8. Bias and prejudice is bad. Be an open minded person.
9. Before forming an opinion about a country or a person, do your homework and have a conversation.
10. It's sad to see that people block countries instead of blocking individuals. I know people of some countries are very notorious, they can be evasive, irritating and nosy but Not all of them are bad, some can be genuinely good and caring.
11. Truth be told most people gets bored and stop messaging and some disappear without any prior warning.
12. I am not a hoarder or a social wannabee. I will prefer a single person who will regularly interact with me over 100 so called friends who do not talk .
13. I bid farewell to those who suddenly stop talking, those who do not reply and those who explicitly say they do not wish to talk.
14. I cannot understand why some people resort to lies, instead of lying it is easier to say, yes I have Facebook, Skype but I am not comfortable, so I will not give it unless I am comfortable or I do not wish to exchange those details.
15. I support women/girls rights.
16. Love is all about dedication and sacrifice. If you are neither dedicated nor able to sacrifice for the sake of your love and loved ones. In this case I humbly think you are incapable of loving someone, may be you are just an impulsive person.
A. I acknowledge the fact that I am not perfect and I make mistakes. It also a fact that I try to correct my mistakes, if I come across my mistakes or if someone tells me that I made a mistake. So do not shy away and do let me know about my mistakes.
B. I am just an average person I am bound to make mistakes. Sooner of later I will end up making mistakes which will bother you and might even offend you. If you are unable to forgive people, if you are unable to accept people as they are or if you think this person is just another person on internet and do not intend to treat me as you treat people in your real life. Please do not message me.
C. If we are talking and if you are bothered my me or for some reason you have decided not to talk; please do inform me that you do not wish to talk. I will stop right away as I do not like to bother others.
D. Do not promise for the sake of promising or vouch for anything which you are not capable of delivering.
E. I am not here for a fight or to judge or to be judged.
F. Very Very Very Important. If you are a girl/woman and if you in relationship or in love or married to a man who belongs to Sub Continent (India,Nepal,Pakistan,Sri Lanka, Bangladesh). Either you should refrain from messaging me Or you should tell your lover,boyfriend,husband that you are talking to an Indian boy. It is not that I do not want to talk to you, I am telling this because of my past experience. I simply do not want to be a cause of your relationship trouble.
0. I am looking for true friends. True Friends are hard to find. If not impossible, they are hard to find in real life and even harder to find on websites. Though I will gladly talk to everyone.
1. I am a shameless creature. Why? I shamelessly have returned to this site even though I know well without fostering any illusion that I will not be able to find people easily but I still Hope to find buddies, acquaintances with whom I can I can talk on regular basis. I really do not mind If I am able to find true best friend on this site or not.
2. I stammer and I mumble a bit when I talk But I love to talk so it would be nice if I can find people who would Like to engage in audio conversation. Do not worry I do not need your webcam as I am shy too.
3. I do not really care about your profile picture, how you look, what's your age, location. I looking for people to talk and interact with so if you think we can talk Please by all means do message me I will certainly get back to you.
4. Feel free to message me if you wish to learn know about India or learn Hindi or Urdu. I shall be glad to help you .
5. If you think that my profile picture is fake. How dare you ? How can you think like that :p hell be with you :p.
Frankly speaking I do understand your concerns, I know there are many scammers on this site.
Even thought I am hesitant, I will not mind showing my face to you on webcam. Just ping me and I will try clear your doubts.
6. For all extensive purposes I am religiously neutral/agnostic. I belong to all religion or I belong to none. I respect all region and I will respect your views but I will not subscribe to your religious views your religious philosophy.
7. I do not mind talking to gay, but I am not gay. I am very much straight, please do not solicit any love request. I wont reciprocate.
8. Many had asked me in past if I am taken or I am single. Yes I am single that does not mean I am proactively looking or I am here to hit on girls. Even though I have meet a few people who got married or are in relationship because of this site I am still not looking. If I will come across a person who is truly genuine and becomes my friend, I will consider and will think about it. As far as questions goes; Why I am not looking and Why I am still single needs a lot of explanations, if you are curious about it feel free to message me. I do not mind telling, I will be glad to explain my views.
9. Do not ask me for my Skype and email address, it is already listed here.
10. I have habit of typing fast, so I make a lot of typing errors. Please bare with me.
11. Even If Interpals shows that I am online, I might not be online as I usually do not logout. I will write back, Please have some patience and do not go on blocking me because you thought I am ignoring you.
12. As far as my experience goes most people do not reply back to my messages so it is very very rare for me to message first.
13. Please do not ask to make video for your friends or family. I will not do this.
14. Make sure, your privacy setting will allow me to message you. Do not blame if you do not get reply because your privacy setting.
15. I reply each and every message which I get.
16. Looking for partners in Crime. Do you dare and do you have guts to take up this job !
B. I am just an average person I am bound to make mistakes. Sooner of later I will end up making mistakes which will bother you and might even offend you. If you are unable to forgive people, if you are unable to accept people as they are or if you think this person is just another person on internet and do not intend to treat me as you treat people in your real life. Please do not message me.
C. If we are talking and if you are bothered my me or for some reason you have decided not to talk; please do inform me that you do not wish to talk. I will stop right away as I do not like to bother others.
D. Do not promise for the sake of promising or vouch for anything which you are not capable of delivering.
E. I am not here for a fight or to judge or to be judged.
F. Very Very Very Important. If you are a girl/woman and if you in relationship or in love or married to a man who belongs to Sub Continent (India,Nepal,Pakistan,Sri Lanka, Bangladesh). Either you should refrain from messaging me Or you should tell your lover,boyfriend,husband that you are talking to an Indian boy. It is not that I do not want to talk to you, I am telling this because of my past experience. I simply do not want to be a cause of your relationship trouble.
0. I am looking for true friends. True Friends are hard to find. If not impossible, they are hard to find in real life and even harder to find on websites. Though I will gladly talk to everyone.
1. I am a shameless creature. Why? I shamelessly have returned to this site even though I know well without fostering any illusion that I will not be able to find people easily but I still Hope to find buddies, acquaintances with whom I can I can talk on regular basis. I really do not mind If I am able to find true best friend on this site or not.
2. I stammer and I mumble a bit when I talk But I love to talk so it would be nice if I can find people who would Like to engage in audio conversation. Do not worry I do not need your webcam as I am shy too.
3. I do not really care about your profile picture, how you look, what's your age, location. I looking for people to talk and interact with so if you think we can talk Please by all means do message me I will certainly get back to you.
4. Feel free to message me if you wish to learn know about India or learn Hindi or Urdu. I shall be glad to help you .
5. If you think that my profile picture is fake. How dare you ? How can you think like that :p hell be with you :p.
Frankly speaking I do understand your concerns, I know there are many scammers on this site.
Even thought I am hesitant, I will not mind showing my face to you on webcam. Just ping me and I will try clear your doubts.
6. For all extensive purposes I am religiously neutral/agnostic. I belong to all religion or I belong to none. I respect all region and I will respect your views but I will not subscribe to your religious views your religious philosophy.
7. I do not mind talking to gay, but I am not gay. I am very much straight, please do not solicit any love request. I wont reciprocate.
8. Many had asked me in past if I am taken or I am single. Yes I am single that does not mean I am proactively looking or I am here to hit on girls. Even though I have meet a few people who got married or are in relationship because of this site I am still not looking. If I will come across a person who is truly genuine and becomes my friend, I will consider and will think about it. As far as questions goes; Why I am not looking and Why I am still single needs a lot of explanations, if you are curious about it feel free to message me. I do not mind telling, I will be glad to explain my views.
9. Do not ask me for my Skype and email address, it is already listed here.
10. I have habit of typing fast, so I make a lot of typing errors. Please bare with me.
11. Even If Interpals shows that I am online, I might not be online as I usually do not logout. I will write back, Please have some patience and do not go on blocking me because you thought I am ignoring you.
12. As far as my experience goes most people do not reply back to my messages so it is very very rare for me to message first.
13. Please do not ask to make video for your friends or family. I will not do this.
14. Make sure, your privacy setting will allow me to message you. Do not blame if you do not get reply because your privacy setting.
15. I reply each and every message which I get.
16. Looking for partners in Crime. Do you dare and do you have guts to take up this job !
Language Exchange Requests
As far as question of language exchange goes. I am not looking to learn any language. I suck at it.
I will be more than willing to help your practice Hindi/Urdu and English.
Now as far as question of teaching from scratch goes. I used to teach Hindi/Urdu from scratch which I am no longer willing doing because of various reasons.
I will be more than willing to help your practice Hindi/Urdu and English.
Now as far as question of teaching from scratch goes. I used to teach Hindi/Urdu from scratch which I am no longer willing doing because of various reasons.
Hobbies & Interests
Really..! Does it matter? Most people who visit my profile do not even care to read my profile. So What's the purposes of writing?
But for the sake of writing I will write some .
0. I love cartoons, anime, reality based horror film and series!
1. Mountaineering, trekking, hiking, nature watching.
2. For sake of fun, research and killing time, recently I have started learning abut Palmistry, Astro palmistry. So if you wish I can try to read your palm and will try to predict your life on the basis of it :p and You can tell me how accurate my predictions were ?
I have plethora of hobbies, Hence if you want to know about my hobbies, just feel free to ask ..!
But for the sake of writing I will write some .
0. I love cartoons, anime, reality based horror film and series!
1. Mountaineering, trekking, hiking, nature watching.
2. For sake of fun, research and killing time, recently I have started learning abut Palmistry, Astro palmistry. So if you wish I can try to read your palm and will try to predict your life on the basis of it :p and You can tell me how accurate my predictions were ?
I have plethora of hobbies, Hence if you want to know about my hobbies, just feel free to ask ..!
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